Tallinn kutsub


by Aet Ader, Andra Aaloe, Kaarel Künnap, Grete Soosalu and Flo Kasearu
Location: variable
Duration: variable

O from LIFT11 on Vimeo.

The inflatable black ball 5 metres in diameter and deflatable enough to fit in a travel bag was both an event and an object in various places throughout the summer, serving as a reference and a measure for its surroundings. As an ephemeral black body, O was looking for its variable meaning in the surrounding space and in the minds of those who experienced it. Within a narrow space or in comparison to the human body, it was big; in a large open space or next to a block of flats, it appeared small; compared to a granite statue, it seemed volatile; fluttering in the strong wind, half-deflated, it was like a natural disaster out of control; for passers-by moving in tune with the city traffic, it was a philosophically slow process of unpredictable duration. Besides Estonia, O also popped into Helsinki, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

At Kalarand, Tallinn

At Schilling music festival, Kilingi-Nõmme, Southern Estonia

At Roosikrantsi Street, Tallinn

At Müürivahe Street, Tallinn Old Town


In Soodevahe village near Tallinn Airport

O in Tallinn

O in St. Petersburg, Russia

O in Helsinki, Finland

Aet Ader, Andra Aaloe, Kaarel Künnap, Grete Soosalu, Flo Kasearu

Aet Ader is a freelance artist. She graduated from the Department of Architecture and Urban Design in the Estonian Academy of Arts and also studied in Copenhagen. Aet Ader has participated in several non-profit or-ganisations, architectural competitions and art projects. Since 2010, she has been a founder and architect in Architecture Office b210. At the moment, she works on the linear park located in Seminari Street in Rakvere and reconstruction of the buildings beside it along with the Annelinna Youth Centre in Tartu. See http://b210.ee

Andra Aaloe focuses on activities in between art and city. She graduated from the Department of Fine Arts in the Academy of Arts of Estonia, where she currently does her MA in Urban Studies. See http://b210.ee

Kaarel Künnap is a poet awaiting his official publication who studies Architecture and Urban Design in the Es-tonian Academy of Arts. He has participated in a limited number of diverse joint creative projects with different co-authors and worked for two architecture studios.

Grete Soosalu is a freelance architect. She graduated from the Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Estonian Academy of Arts, studied as a visiting student in Zurich and worked in 3 + 1 arhitektid, an Estonian architecture office. Since 2010, she has been a founder and architect in Architecture Office b210. At the mo-ment, she works on the linear park located in Seminari Street in Rakvere and reconstruction of the buildings beside it along with the Annelinna Youth Centre in Tartu. See http://b210.ee

Flo Kasearu is an artist. She completed BA studies in Painting in the Estonian Academy of Arts, studied as an exchange student in Berlin and Istanbul, currently is about to finish her MA programme in Photography in the Academy of Arts. She has participated in many solo and group exhibitions in Estonia and elsewhere. Flo’s works can be found both in private collections and those of the Art Museum of Estonia. See http://www.flokasearu.eu

In 2010, Andra Aaloe, Aet Ader, Flo Kasearu and Grete Soosalu carried out three art projects as part of the series of events ’52 Surprises and Ideas’: social sculpture Queue Up for Art, installation Pool and action Count-down to Start at the official opening of the Capital of Culture.